Contact information

To place an ad please visit our Advertise page or contact our general sales manager. The newsroom can be reached by email ([email protected]) or by telephone (614-292-5721).

To submit a letter to the editor, email [email protected] with your name, title and attach your letter as a .doc or .docx extension.

Executive Editors

Editor-in-Chief  | Emma Wozniak ([email protected])

Managing Editor | Lucy Lawler ([email protected])

Managing Editor for Digital Content | Owen Riley ([email protected])

Managing Editor for Design | Reid Murray ([email protected])

Copy Chief | Kamryn Karr ([email protected])


Editor | Nora Igelnik ([email protected])

Asst. Editor | Reilly Ackermann ([email protected])

LTV Producer |  Kyrie Thomas ([email protected])


Editor | Noah Weiskopf ([email protected])

Asst. Editor | Sam Cipriani ([email protected])

LTV Producer | Jayla Vanhorn ([email protected])

Asst. LTV Producer |

Arts & Life

Editor | Samantha Harden ([email protected])

Asst. Editor | Nicholas DeSantis ([email protected])

LTV Producer | Lena Henicle ([email protected])

Design / Graphics

Design Editor | Nevaeh Repp ([email protected])

Web Editor | Ameera Rasoul ([email protected])


Editor | Sandra Fu ([email protected])

Asst. Editor | Carly Jo Damon ([email protected])

Social Media and Engagement

Editor | Jackson Hall ([email protected])

Special Projects

John R. Oller Special Projects Editor | Bailey Johnston ([email protected])

Patricia B. Miller Special Projects Reporter | Emma Dawson ([email protected])

Lantern TV Special Projects Producer | Carter Kohli ([email protected])


Director of Student Media | Spencer Hunt ([email protected])

Equipment Manager and LTV Production | Tao Wang ([email protected])

General Sales Manager | Marie Pierce ([email protected])