The Lantern is seeking applicants for the Lantern staff of 2025-2026. Please download and email the completed application and any relevant work samples to [email protected] by Friday, March 7. Applicants can submit their candidacies for more than one role. (Please note that, due to federal restrictions for undergraduate applicants, the Lantern cannot hire students who are currently employed by Ohio State in another role. Employment at Ohio State is not a bar to application, but any student selected must agree to leave that prior role.)
Editor-in-Chief: As the top staff member, the editor-in-chief is responsible for setting journalistic standards for the Lantern and creating a professional atmosphere for everyone in the newsroom. The editor-in-chief presides over staff meetings and ushers the Lantern through the production process. The editor-in-chief plans and directs major projects or series. The editor-in-chief will manage the Opinions section. The EIC oversees the operations of Lantern TV and coordinates the activities with those of the paper. The editor may serve public relations functions, which include recruiting staff and contributors and representing the Lantern on and off campus. The EIC runs budget meetings.
Managing Editor-Content: This editor reports to the editor-in-chief and is responsible for ensuring that printed and online content meets professional standards. The ME-C will take a lead role in the development and publication of special print and online editions. This editor will work with the managing editor for digital to help coordinate the efforts of the social media editor, Lantern video producers and assist in the production of podcasts. The ME-C will assist those editors in determining which stories the Lantern will cover and the editing of those stories. This editor will attend all budget meetings and run them in the EIC’s absence.
Managing Editor-Design: This editor reports to the editor-in-chief and will supervise the design and photo editors. This editor will oversee the design of the Lantern. The editor will help the arts, sports and campus editors with the design of their pages. The ME-D will design the front page and coordinate with the ME on the play of other stories. This editor prepares front- page teasers, indexes and other art. This editor attends all budget meetings.
Managing Editor-Digital: This editor, reporting to the Editor in Chief, has principal responsibility for the production of multimedia content, including video, that make the site and the Lantern’s storytelling compelling. This editor will answer to the Editor in Chief and help monitor online traffic and readership on the Lantern website to help guide future story selection and online success. This editor will work with the managing editor for content to help coordinate the efforts of the social media editor, Lantern video producers and assist in the production of podcasts. This editor will help produce the emails sent to Lantern subscribers and must attend all budget meetings.
Web Design/Infographic Editor: This person will assist the Managing Editor for Digital in the design of the web page and creation of all infographics prior to print nights. This editor will attend all pitch and budget meetings and be present on print nights to assist with the implementation and editing of infographics. This person will communicate with writers, editors, and the managing editor for digital to plan and create infographics to accompany stories ahead of time.
Design editor: This role entails aiding the Managing Editor for Design in creating layouts for more time-sensitive stories on the day of print. They will be tasked with coordinating with writers from pitch to budget to print in planning layout ahead of time and being flexible with timely stories. In addition to print, they will be tasked with coordinating with the Managing Editor for Digital in the design of online interactive graphics and in-depth page design. This person should be familiar with layout design and website design and be curious about areas of constant improvement and innovation through digital and print storytelling.
Arts and Life Editor: This editor reports to the Managing Editor-Content, supervising Lantern coverage of the arts. The arts editor will oversee the work of the Lantern TV Arts and Life Producer and help coordinate the daily and weekly production of video content, help select visual material and edit all copy with the assistance of the ME-Content and ME-Design. The editor will supervise a staff of arts writers from the Lantern practicum. The editor attends all budget meetings.
Lantern TV Arts and Life Producer: The video producer reports to the arts and life editor to report and produce video packages that complement stories or exist as video stories on their own. The Arts and Life video producer will work with editors, reporters, freelancers and independent studies reporters to help them create video packages featured on Lantern TV’s YouTube channel and on the
Assistant Arts Editor: This editor will assist the arts editor in assigning stories and producing content to fill the section.
Campus Editor: The campus editor reports to the Managing Editor-Content and will supervise Lantern practicum reporters, assign stories, monitor the progress of the reporters and enforce deadlines. The campus editor’s primary job will be the day-to-day management of the reporters. However, the editor may be involved in long-term series or special projects. The campus editor leads and coordinates the paper’s online and printed coverage of breaking news. The campus editor will oversee the work of the Lantern TV Campus Producer and help coordinate the daily and weekly production of video content The campus editor will work with the multimedia editors to get stories online as soon as possible. The campus editor must attend all budget meetings.
Lantern TV Campus Producer: The video producer reports to the campus editor to report and produce video packages that complement stories or exist as video stories on their own. This video producer will work with editors, reporters, freelancers and independent studies reporters to help them create video packages featured on Lantern TV’s YouTube channel and on the
Assistant Campus Editor: This editor will assist the campus editor in assigning stories and producing content to fill the section.
Carolyn N. Kraft Copy Chief: This editor reports to the Editor-in-Chief and will review stories before assigning them to the copy desk. After copy editing, the chief copy editor should read every word of local copy and serve as the penultimate stop in the editing process before the Editor-in-Chief. This editor will supervise the Lantern practicum copy editors, working with the course instructor to ensure that the practicum students receive a high-quality experience. The copy chief must know Associated Press and Lantern style. This editor will attend all budget meetings.
Social Media/Multimedia Editor: This editor’s primary responsibility is to create engaging content on Lantern social media channels to help encourage and draw visitors to the website and to the mobile app. This editor has experience working with social media channels and will monitor mentions and news consumer feedback. This editor will work with editors and station managers to help coordinate social media coverage of breaking news, events and sporting events. This editor will assist the multimedia editor in all aspects of the position, from providing content to keeping the Web site updated and professional.
Photo Editor: The photo editor reports to the Managing Editor-Design and manages the photo staff. This editor must train the photo staff, the editing staff, the independent study students and the Lantern practicum students in the electronic photo assignment process. This editor must make sure that photographers are available to shoot worthwhile assignments. This editor works with other editors to select images. The photo editor is responsible for the quality control of color, must consider ethical issues regarding editing or enhancing photos, must consider ethical and legal issues of photojournalism more generally and should maintain an archive of photos of people who may be newsworthy. The photo editor will attend all budget meetings.
Assistant Photo Editor: This editor will assist the photo editor and shoot assignments.
Sports Editor: The sports editor reports to the Managing Editor-Content and is responsible for covering the major and minor sports in a way that reflects the variety of varsity and club athletics on campus. This editor also will decide if and how sports in Columbus and other Ohio cities will be covered. During away games, the sports editor has primary responsibility for live updates to social media. This editor supervises the Lantern practicum students who are sports writers. The sports editor will oversee the work of the Lantern TV sports producers and help coordinate the daily and weekly production of video content. The sports editor attends all budget meetings.
Lantern TV Sports Producer: The video producer reports to the sports editor to report and produce video packages that complement stories or exist as video stories on their own. The sports video producer will work with editors, reporters, freelancers and independent studies reporters to help them create video packages featured on Lantern TV’s YouTube channel and on the
Assistant Sports Editor: This editor will assist the sports editor with assignments, laying out pages and writing content for the sports section.
Assistant Lantern TV Sports Producer The video producer reports to the sports editor and LTV Sports Producer to report and produce video packages that complement stories or exist as video stories on their own.
John R. Oller Special Projects Reporter: This reporter works on long investigative or interpretive projects and assists, when needed, in the coverage of breaking news. This reporter answers to the ME- Content and will spend roughly 5 hours in the newsroom each week to work and coordinate efforts with editors.
Patricia Miller Special Projects Reporter: This reporter works on long investigative or interpretive projects and assists, when needed, in the coverage of breaking news. This reporter answers to the ME- Content and will spend roughly five hours in the newsroom each week to work and coordinate efforts with editors.
Lantern TV Special Projects Reporter: This reporter works on long investigative or interpretive documentary style video projects and assists, when needed, in the coverage of breaking news. This reporter answers to the Managing Editor-Digital and will spend roughly 5 hours in the newsroom each week to work and coordinate efforts with editors.
With a team of 23 editors and more than 40 reporters, The Lantern has been a mainstay of the university and has proven itself as a valuable community member. We have been on the frontlines of breaking news, delivering factual, thoughtful journalism to students, staff and faculty, alumni, and parents of Ohio State. In addition, our coverage includes university athletics, the Columbus area, and local art and music.