Students organize, participate in protests in different cities
Destiny Brown, a fourth-year in political science, transformed an individual protest into a movement of thousands in the span of two days in Indian…
Destiny Brown, a fourth-year in political science, transformed an individual protest into a movement of thousands in the span of two days in Indian…
As Columbus, Ohio, approached its 10 p.m. curfew, Vice President for Student Life Melissa Shivers asked students to “please, take care and be safe”…
With a mask on and a sign in hand reading, “A man was lynched yesterday,” Alex Ushry, a third-year in finance, marched through downtown Columbus Th…
With tears in his eyes, former Ohio State gymnast and fifth-year journalism major Paris McGee took off his glasses, lost in the painful memory of t…
Surrounded by members of the Ohio Student Association at the Summit on 16th United Methodist Church, deputy director Kevin O’Donnell sits on the gr…
On the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr., Ohio State’s College of Social Work is coordinating with the King Arts Complex to host “Music and Ra…
In every critical moment of her life, Rutgers University professor Brittney Cooper said a "homegirl intervention" saved her from going down the wro…
The Student Life Multicultural Center presented its opening celebration of United Black World Month Wednesday night with an event focusing on black…
Do we really need music criticism? It’s a strange question to pose in a music opinion column, but a fair one to present when social media have turned A…
This package details the motivation behind the Black Student Association's Black Buckeye T-Shirt movement.…