Commentary: An uncomfortable day in the life of a Michigan fan at Ohio State
I awoke the same way I had every Saturday this school year — regretting not going to sleep sooner as I hit the snooze button. But this Saturday was…
I awoke the same way I had every Saturday this school year — regretting not going to sleep sooner as I hit the snooze button. But this Saturday was…
In the grand scheme of things, two years isn’t a huge amount of time. But it feels like an eternity in terms of Ohio State football. Two years a…
Snow, fences and wristband requirements did little to deter thousands of Ohio State fans from taking the annual jump into Mirror Lake Tuesday night. …
Ohio State fired its head cheerleading coach Monday after an investigation determined she failed to disassociate herself and the program with two for…
The Mirror Lake jump is still set to be held and regulated by the university Tuesday night after some Ohio State fans jumped in the lake Monday, acco…
Some Ohio State fans knocked down chain-link fences and jumped in Mirror Lake Monday night after new restrictions on the Mirror Lake jump were announ…
The yearly Ohio State-Michigan clash on the gridiron is a classic rivalry in college football, but the stadium isn’t the only place fans fly their …
Some Ohio State fans knocked down chain-link fences and jumped in Mirror Lake Monday night after new restrictions on the Mirror Lake jump were announ…
The majority of college freshmen felt they needed help from advisers to choose majors and career plans, a higher percentage than researchers expect…