Ohio State to serve up Thanksgiving dinner for Buckeyes staying on campus for the holiday
Some Ohio State students are planning to share their Thanksgiving meal with about 1,600 other Buckeyes. Thanksgiving Dinner — sponsored by the Offic…
Some Ohio State students are planning to share their Thanksgiving meal with about 1,600 other Buckeyes. Thanksgiving Dinner — sponsored by the Offic…
Every year, students participate in the tradition of leaping into the depths of an icy Mirror Lake in preparation for the game of the year against …
Strapping wristbands on the arms of students and installing chain-link fences might be Ohio State’s way of increasing student safety on Mirror Lake j…
Letter to the editor: In years past, the Ohio State University has made it a point to send emails to the students to discourage them from jumping …
Letter to the editor: Yesterday, I wrote The Lantern to explain why the new “safety measures” promulgated by the Office of Student Life will actua…
Ohio State sends a notice to its students every year that basically says: “Don’t jump in Mirror Lake, but we know this won’t stop you.” The scho…
Ohio State students will likely suit up for the Mirror Lake jump as they do every year: a variety of swim trunks, T-shirts, duct-taped flip flops a…
A new car-sharing service on Ohio State’s campus is attempting to help make the best of the limited parking spaces available, though some say the v…
The scene on the lawn of the Wilce Student Health Services Center Saturday was that of a typical football tailgate. Ohio State fans decked out in s…
At most Thanksgiving dinners, there are going to be a few meal staples, like turkey, pumpkin pie and stuffing, but Ohio State students might not expect…