Students react to lack of transparency involving details of Ohio State’s $50M investment
Ohio State recently invested tens of millions of dollars into a venture capital firm, though many details of the deal remain unclear. OSU invested r…
Ohio State recently invested tens of millions of dollars into a venture capital firm, though many details of the deal remain unclear. OSU invested r…
As the relationship between China and the U.S. evolves, how the two will work together on a global scale is becoming increasingly important. “As…
The unemployment rate for students graduating with a bachelor’s degree remains low and the certification comes with a better paycheck, however stud…
Every other weekend, some Ohio State students board a bus headed toward the Scioto Correctional Facility and the Circleville Juvenile Correctional…
For one Ohio woman, a surgery at the Wexner Medical Center means she can breathe a little easier. Mary Pat Murry, a 49-year-old resident of Lond…
Though LinkedIn, Facebook and Carmen already allow students to connect with one another, as well as professors and potential employers, a few current a…
Twenty games. Twenty victories. Coach Urban Meyer and the Ohio State football team appear as if they can do no wrong. The Buckeyes (8-0, 4-0)…
Although even finalists of the Ohio State presidential search are set to be kept a secret until the president is selected, some OSU students conten…
The Ohio State College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has hired a new faculty member with Buckeye roots. Chris Delisio was rec…
When Andre Banks was a senior at Ohio State in 2000, he participated in a 28 day sit-in at Bricker Hall to campaign for better benefits and wages f…