Ohio State announces presidential search process
The search process to find University President Michael V. Drake’s replacement will look a lot like the one that brought Drake to Ohio State. Th…
The search process to find University President Michael V. Drake’s replacement will look a lot like the one that brought Drake to Ohio State. Th…
Ohio State’s Undergraduate Student Government started spring semester with a State of the University Address, bringing together its members with fa…
January marks not only the beginning of classes, but the kickoff of campaign season for Ohio State’s Undergraduate Student Government. USG elec…
As the semester comes to an end, Undergraduate Student Government President Kate Greer and Vice President Julia Dennen look back on a semester of a…
A new Undergraduate Student Government resolution looks to reform university absence policy during exam weeks. Wednesday night, USG’s General As…
The Undergraduate Student Government is dealing with an internal dispute between leadership and members over how it spends its money. Nat Crowl…
This semester’s Seeds of Service event marked the removal of most of the invasive plant species and planting of trees on the final work site, where…
Undergraduate Student Government showed its support for pregnant and parenting students Wednesday night during its General Assembly meeting with a …
Students, faculty and staff have an opportunity to experience local and fresh produce when Undergraduate Student Government brings a farmers market…
On Wednesday night, the Undergraduate Student Government’s General Assembly pushed through an unconstitutional judicial nomination. In a contes…