Sustainability Fair kicks off Time for Change Week
For the fifth year in a row, Ohio State’s Time for Change Week kicked off its weeklong series of events Monday with the Sustainability Fair. Mo…
For the fifth year in a row, Ohio State’s Time for Change Week kicked off its weeklong series of events Monday with the Sustainability Fair. Mo…
Kate Greer and Julia Dennen were sworn in as Undergraduate Student Government president and vice president, respectively, Tuesday night at the Drak…
A panel of students and faculty have been working since April 2016 to develop a plan to bring Ohio State’s food sourcing closer to home. Ohio St…
Ohio State will celebrate the beginning of Earth month with Time for Change Week, a string of events focusing on sustainability efforts in the Ohio…
Taking the helm of the Ohio State University Police Department doesn’t allow much time to breathe. The number of events and people on campus wee…
Kate Greer and Julia Dennen were announced as the next Undergraduate Student Government president and vice president Thursday, receiving 82.8 perce…
Ohio State’s Undergraduate Student Government’s General Assembly on Wednesday passed a resolution encouraging the inclusion of naturalization and i…
Although only one team officially appears on the Undergraduate Student Government presidential ballot, they have been challenged by another team ru…
The reality for some Ohio State students in August is returning from class to a 90-degree dorm room. According to the Office of Student Life, t…
On Sunday, the Arab Student Union hosted its annual Arab Night, an evening dedicated to the celebration of Arab countries, people and their various…