USG member urges Big Ten, representatives to support student loan debt assistance bill
During an internship this past summer for his home district’s congressional representative, Illinois Rep. Rodney Davis, Shawn Semmler heard about p…
During an internship this past summer for his home district’s congressional representative, Illinois Rep. Rodney Davis, Shawn Semmler heard about p…
Undergraduate Student Government’s General Assembly added new inclusivity measures this year, including a five-minute prayer break in its weekly We…
Undergraduate Student Government voted last week to create a lighter resolution allowing for students to display window art at the discretion of re…
June is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month, a celebration each year that honors a series of riots and protests standing up to unfair tr…
Time for Change Week opened with Undergraduate Student Government’s third-annual Sustainability Fair in the Ohio Union on Monday. More than 40 …
Green is the new black at Undergraduate Student Government’s upcoming Sustainability Fashion Showcase. Hitting the runway on Monday will be students…
As their swearing-in date of April 4 approaches, newly elected Undergraduate Student Government president Andrew Jackson and vice president Sophie …
Undergraduate Student Government’s next president will be Andrew Jackson, a third-year in Spanish and political science. Jackson and his running…
This episode of Scarlet Scoop gives you more information on OSU's effort to trademark The Oval, a look at the students running for USG president an…
The Undergraduate Student Government presidential campaign of Mary Honaker and Carla Gracia violated campaign-finance bylaws by overspending and misl…