USG releases internal demographic report
The Ohio State Undergraduate Student Government released an internal demographic report Monday after students expressed concern that USG is not accurat…
The Ohio State Undergraduate Student Government released an internal demographic report Monday after students expressed concern that USG is not accurat…
You take a deep breath and feel the bare skin on your chest and shoulders expand against the cold November air as the skin on your arms tightens an…
As a member of the General Assembly of the Undergraduate Student Government, I want to announce to the student body some important legislation that we …
As many might know, the Undergraduate Student Government, partnering with the Residence Hall Activity Council, has recently opened a new dining sur…
Ohio State’s Undergraduate Student Government has teamed up with the Office of Student Life and other OSU entities to create a student safety pack …
At Ohio State, we students hear countless times about the importance of off-campus safety. Look through your emails and you’ll find a couple of not…
Letter to the editor: Student governments have been traditionally a platform that give students a legitimate voice and are a venue for personal deve…
Ohio State's Undergraduate Student Government recently formed a task group that surveyed more than 600 OSU students about sexual violence. That sur…
Ohio State has picked a company to bring bike-sharing to Columbus campus students, the university announced Thursday. Zagster, a Massachusetts-b…
Abby Grossman and Abby Waidelich have been elected as the Ohio State Undergraduate Student Government president and vice president for the 2015-16 …