Whether you’re a brand-new student, a recent alumnus or alumna, a parent of a fourth-year or a professor, welcome to a new year at Ohio State.
With each fall comes a wave of anticipation for what the year will bring, and at least for me, there’s always a little bit of worry that I’m going to miss out on something everyone else is talking about.
That’s where we at The Lantern, OSU’s student newspaper, come in.
We cover football games and concerts for when you want to relive the moment, or for when you can’t make it because of an exam. We keep an eye on the university administration to help make sure your tuition dollars aren’t being wasted. We run commentaries about what to check out around campus and students’ reactions to national news.
We’ve broken news about the OSU Marching Band and football injuries, and even broke the story of Dr. Michael Drake’s selection as OSU president before it was officially announced. I’m certain we’ll break significant news this year as well.
Picking up a copy of the paper or visiting our website, thelantern.com, will help you learn about what’s going on around campus. It’ll give you more ways to connect with new friends and start conversations.
You’re at OSU during a time of major transition, and The Lantern has been reporting on it all, every step of the way.
The Lantern will typically be printed Mondays and Thursdays this year, with occasional Friday editions as well. Copies are available around the campus and off-campus area, including in residence halls and academic buildings.
Sign up for our email blast on our website, too, because we’ll be sending out a full edition’s worth of stories each day of classes. Follow our main Twitter account at @TheLantern, and like us on Facebook. If you want to get involved with The Lantern, email us from our contact page on our website or stop by our newsroom in the Journalism Building. We welcome you and can’t wait to hear your ideas.
BuckeyeTV was rebranded this summer as Lantern TV, and our newsroom was renovated this summer to include a new TV studio for their work. Look for our TV broadcasts and online videos throughout the year on our website and YouTube pages. And if you’re interested in broadcast, stop by to check out the new space.
We’re here to make sure you don’t miss any news. Stick with us.